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The Golf Athlete - Level 1

Overview of the The Golf Athlete - Level 1 course
The level 1 program allows the participants (Allied Health staff and PGA Professionals) to explore the concept of the multi-disciplinary approach to improved technical performance in the golf swing. The integration of coaching, physical therapy, biomechanics and long term athletic development is the cornerstone of the program.
Participants are involved in lecture, small group, practical sessions and demonstrations of the latest concepts that underpin the acceleration in technique for all levels of golfers.
Learning Outcomes or Objectives:
At the completion of the seminar the participants will:
1. Understand the basics of the golf swing - the common technical characteristics and the physical issues that underpin acceleration technical change.
2. Understand the basic "corridors" described in 3D kinematic reporting and how they integrate with 2D video assessment.
3. Understand the basics of Physical Assessment on the range and in the clinic that assist in highlighting the physical underpinnings for common technical characteristics seen in the golf swing.
4. Experience & understand the latest training tools & exercise interventions that will assist golfers of all levels to provide long term player improvement both technically and physically.
This course is designed for (sport)physical therapists, manual therapists, chiropractoren, athletic trainers, Golf Pro's.

Time schedule for the two day course:


Time Allied Health & GPA Professionals
08:00 Registration and Coffee
08:25-08:30 Introductions
08:30-09:00 The Golf Athlete Concept (sport science/medicine supporting the golf coach)
The Golf Swing
• Golf Teaching Approaches – Methods versus Systems of Teaching with a PGA Professional
• Why Analyse the Golf Swing – eye, 2D video and 3D biomechanical assessment
• Golf Nomenclature and jargon
• Describing the Model Swing – The Ideal Corridors
10:00-10:30 Coffee / Tea break
10:30-12:00 The Golf Swing (continued)
Golf Injury Patterns
• Relationships between technique and injury patterns
• The different injury sites between professional and amateur golfers
12:30-13:30  Lunch
Measuring Technique (3D assessment & video capture)
• Case studies on two seminar participants
• Biofeedback:: bringing about movement pattern change
The TGA Swing Faults Schema
• Examples of the link between the biomechanics and a golfer’s physical strengths and limitations
Physical Assessment of a Golfer
• TGA screening – a demonstration of some of key aspects
• ROM and stability assessment specific to golf – examples
15:30-15:45  Tea / Coffee Break
Introduction to Long Term Athlete Development
• The Developmental Stages and the relevance to Training the Golf Athlete
• Physical Competence Testing
• Planning the Programme and the Exercise Curriculum


Time  Allied Health & PGA Professional Seminar
Assessment and Interventions: Maintaining Posture in the Golf Swing
• Linking technical faults to postural deficiencies
• Working through an example from TGA Better Body Better Golf CD & Website Resources
• Exercise Interventions & Tests that can be done on the range
Biomechanical Principles underpinning the Power Game
• Stretch Shortening Cycles
• Types of muscle contractions
• Isolating those muscles that perform key actions during the “swing”
• Sequencing and Timing Examples
10:00-10:30 Coffee/Tea break
10:30-12:00  Biomechanical Principles underpinning the Power Game (continued)
12:00-13:00  Lunch
Assessment and Interventions: A Flexibility Problem in the Golf Swing
• Linking technical faults to a deficiency of flexibility
• Working through an example from TGA Better Body Better Golf CD & Website Resources
• Exercise Interventions & Tests that can be done on the range
14:30- 14:45  Tea / Coffee break
14.45- 15.30 
Measuring Technique (3D assessment & video capture)
• Reporting the results of the two case studies
15.30- 16:15 Assessment and Interventions: A Stability Problem in the Golf Swing
• Linking technical faults to a deficiency in stability
• Working through an example from TGA Better Body Better Golf CD & Website Resources
• Exercise Interventions & Tests that can be done on the range
• Evaluation/feedback
• Afternoon tea

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